Thursday, July 3, 2014

On Purpose

I used to work with the deaf and hard of hearing before I began to stay home with my children. I loved it, I really loved it I felt as though it truly is my calling and I know it is. But, one day my daughter started calling our nanny mommy, and that just crushed me. So my husband and I decided that I should start staying at home. I put in my letter of resignation one week after I heard my daughter calling the sitter mommy. I began staying at home 2 weeks later.  I never envisioned myself being a stay at home mom to be perfectly honest with you.  I always had great dreams of working outside the home with the deaf and hard of hearing population.  But God had other plans for me. Plans that I wasn't certain about, I didn't understand how I could serve the Lord in the privacy of my home. It didn't make sense to me. I wasn't called to be a stay home mom (so I thought).   Proverbs 16:9 “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps

Until last year, I really thought that being at home was only about cleaning, cooking, and running errands. But I was sadly mistaken. Being a homemaker means that I am to instill core values and life lessons into my children, most importantly teaching them about the Lord and making sure they are in a good Bible based church.  Yes of course cleaning the house and cooking is a part of my role, but it’s not the only reason why I am doing what I am doing. The reason is that I am able to impact the most important people in my life on a daily basis.  I wasn't living my life intentionally for the first 3 years that I was staying at home. I was just going about my day and feeling very un-fulfilled.  However; now I live my life with intention, with the intention to teach my kids about the love of father. Ezra 10:4 “Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it.”

So, last year I decided to start waking up early in the morning with no questions asked to have my quiet time before my family woke up.  It’s hard waking up early…I know it is, truly I get it! But the hardest part is only getting out of the bed.  I wake up about daily and I intentionally do this. I do this because I want to make sure that I get my quiet time in alone with my father before I start my day.  I wanted to make sure that I put him first before I started my day.  I make sure that I set my alarm clock 6 days a week to ensure that I have my alone time with God. When I am alone with him, I am worshiping, journaling and studying his word which transforms my life daily. I learn something new every time I go to him. I learn a life lesson when I open up my Bible. It gives me time to reflect and I am able to live in an attitude of gratitude when I seek him first. Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”

I am reminded daily from his word that we are not here on accident. We are here intentionally. We are here for a purpose. As I am reminded of this I wanted to make sure that I live my life with great intention. I wanted to make sure that I do what I am called to do on a daily basis to serve him.  By living my life on purpose because, we are all here for a purpose.  I am rewarded by peace, and joy of the Lord. I know sometimes we feel that what we do is mundane or God may not care about the little things. But, what I have realized is that we can serve God intentionally in any environment. Whether it’s at the office, or outside of the office, God puts us exactly where we need to be as the exact right time. Psalm 138:8 “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.” 

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